2017년 4월 27일 목요일

Debunking “No Pain, No Gain” - Ideal Wellness Chiropractic Center in Itaewon Seoul

Debunking “No Pain, No Gain”

Author: Christina DeBusk

The adage “no pain no gain” has been around for decades in sports, and it implies that in order to achieve great things, you have to push yourself beyond your physical limits. But, what exactly is pain trying to tell you and, perhaps more importantly, how does your body know that you’re getting close to or moving beyond your limits? That is what a set of researchers set to find out, and their discovery may just change the way you view this age-old phrase.

The Testing

A set of nine researchers from the University of Utah’s Department of Anesthesiology were curious as to how our muscles and bodies seem to know when we’re either near or at our physical limits. Drawing on previous research, they were already aware of the fact that muscles that are exercised release three key substances: lactate, acids, and ATP ( adenosine triphosphate).

To test the effects that these substances have on the body, the researchers injected the chemicals into the thumbs of 10 individuals. The subjects reported no difference when each of the substances was injected individually, but when the chemicals were combined into one injection, the subjects started to feel fatigue effects that one would normally get after a workout. The subjects described their thumb muscles as heavy, tired, swollen, and puffy after receiving the combined chemical injections. And the more the researchers increased the strength of the injections, like what happens when the workout is more grueling, the greater the effects.

Further Testing

Scientists speculate that the effects of these three substances is like an early warning sign that you’re about to reach your limits, but what happens if you take the warning signs away? In another experiment involving some of the same researchers, they tested what happens when exercisers are blinded to this pain. A group of cyclists were given drugs to block the communication between the nerves and brain, so that they could temporarily avoid feeling fatigue and pain as they exercised. The results?

Although the cyclists experienced enhanced performance, their bodies gave in and were in near-paralytic states. Some even had to be helped from their bicycles as they were unable to do this on their own.

If you are in sports, it is important to listen to your body and heed its warning signs. Chiropractic care is another valuable tool for sports enthusiasts as it keeps your body aligned and in proper form, so that your performance is the best it can be. In fact, earlier research has shown that chiropractic can indeed assist in improving sports performance.

Reynolds, G. The limits of “no pain, no gain. The New York Times. April 23, 2014.
Written by: Christina DeBusk on May 16, 2014.
Last revised by: Marissa LuckMay 19, 2014.

This article is from: http://www.chironexus.net/2014/05/debunking-no-pain-no-gain/

Ideal Wellness Chiropractic Center in Itaewon Seoul (아이디얼웰니스 카이로프랙틱 센터)


2017년 4월 25일 화요일

Chiropractic Could Be the “Hidden Cure” You Need For Your Migraine - Ideal Wellness Chiropractic Center in Itaewon Seoul

Chiropractic Could Be the “Hidden Cure” You Need For Your Migraine

Author: Christina DeBusk

The cause of migraines is still somewhat a mystery. Scientists have found a number of neurological and even genetic factors at play in regard to these often life-altering headaches, but haven’t yet identified a primary cause. Unfortunately, since the research is constantly changing, this essentially forces patients to accept treatments that temporarily ease their pain, but don’t offer any long-term solutions.

However, the first step to preventing migraines is discovering the triggers that bring them on. And beyond wine, stress, and chocolate, there’s an extremely common migraine trigger that may just surprise you. It involves tiny knots of muscles in your neck, called myofascial trigger points.

In a study published in the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, researchers found that migraine sufferers had increased muscle stiffness and myofascial trigger points in their right sternocleidomastoid and right trapezius neck muscles when compared to headache-free patients.

Myofascial trigger points create a “cycle of pain” in which your migraine headache causes you tense your neck muscles, which leads to knots, which further forces you to constrict your muscles, leading to even more headaches. How can you break this cycle? Through regular spinal manipulations, a chiropractor may be able to provide you migraine relief, if not take your head pain away entirely.

For instance, a recent case study involved a 15-year old male who had a migraine for over a month, along with suffering from a whole other host of issues such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and Tourette syndrome. He engaged in chiropractic care over the course of 19 weeks and, not only did his migraine go away, but his other conditions improved as well.

Beyond this case study, studies involving larger sample sizes show that patients with migraine can expect to experience a 68-90 percent decrease in headache severity by using chiropractic care.

If you suffer from migraines, make an appointment with your chiropractor today. It may be just the treatment you need to become pain-free!

Ideal Wellness Chiropractic Center in Itaewon Seoul (아이디얼웰니스 카이로프랙틱 센터)


2017년 4월 12일 수요일

Stress hormones eased with chiropractic adjustments - Ideal Wellness Chiropractic Center in Itaewon Seoul

Stress hormones eased with chiropractic adjustments

Author: Megan Churchwell

For many years, it has been known that chiropractic adjustments can treat a variety of conditions. Now, evidence is mounting that chiropractic care can also improve overall health. Recent studies have shown chiropractic treatments can improve immune response, reduce blood pressure, and affect heart rate.

In 2011, Japanese researchers found evidence that chiropractic adjustments directly influences the autonomic nervous system. The autonomic nervous system, part of the central nervous system, controls automatic body functions such as blood pressure, digestion, immunity, and heart rate.

The study involved 12 men with neck pain who were given chiropractic adjustments. The researchers performed PET scans both before and after the treatment in order to track brain activity. The scans provided evidence of altered brain activity in the areas responsible for stress reactions and pain processing. The researchers also measured significantly lower levels of salivary cortisol, a stress hormone.

The research shows that chiropractic treatments have a positive influence on the central nervous system, resulting in pain reduction. It is also shows that chiropractic care can enhance the body’s stress response, boosting immunity and helping to improve overall health. It is clear that chiropractic adjustments can promote wellness, not just relief of pain symptoms.

Written by: Megan Churchwell on July 17, 2012.
Last revised by: Marissa LuckJuly 21, 2014.

Ideal Wellness Chiropractic Center in Itaewon Seoul (아이디얼웰니스 카이로프랙틱 센터)


Exercise After Whiplash: Don’t Do It Alone - Ideal Wellness Chiropractic Center in Itaewon Seoul

Exercise After Whiplash: Don’t Do It Alone

Author: Marissa Luck

Countless studies have pointed to the benefits of exercise for recovering from spinal injuries like whiplash. But is staying physically active enough to combat minor auto injuries? A new study sought to answer that question by comparing general exercise to therapist-led interventions for whiplash.

The study included 216 patients with chronic whiplash-associated disorders. Participants were randomly assigned to receive one of three treatments: physiotherapist-led neck exercises; behavioral interventions plus physiotherapist-led neck exercises; or a generalized exercise program.

Researchers discovered that specific neck exercises led by a trained therapist increased patients’ odds of recovery. After six months, 39-44% of patients in the specific exercise groups had a significant reduction in pain, compared to 28% in the generalized exercise group. Adding a behavioral intervention to the neck exercises did not appear to make a significant difference in this study.

What this means is that auto injury patients do indeed benefit from the skills of a medical professional trained in exercise treatments, such as a physiotherapist or a chiropractor. Doctors of chiropractic can also use spinal manipulation to enhance exercise therapies. The study also demonstrates that even patients with chronic pain can improve with targeted interventions. Contact a chiropractor to discover how these non-invasive therapies can expedite rehabilitation after an auto accident.

Written by: Marissa Luck on June 23, 2014.

Ideal Wellness Chiropractic Center in Itaewon Seoul (아이디얼웰니스 카이로프랙틱 센터)


    2017년 4월 6일 목요일

    Battling Fatigue as We Age - Ideal Wellness Chiropractic Center in Itaewon Seoul

    Battling Fatigue as We Age

    Fatigue strikes everyone at one time or another - after vigorous exercise, a long workday, or prolonged stress. In the elderly population, fatigue can be a severe problem, especially for seniors suffering from physical ailments.

    How serious is the problem? According to a study in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, very serious. A survey of 199 residents at a residential care facility revealed that almost all of the participants reported some fatigue symptoms: 51% reported mild fatigue, 40% reported moderate fatigue, and 7% reported severe fatigue. Fatigue also influenced depression, activities of daily living, pain, medication use, and the ability to perform a three-minute walk. Even more distressing, one in four seniors reported suffering chronic fatigue (1-5 years), and 11% reported fatigue lasting more than five years!

    Whether you’re young or old, the battle against fatigue is an important one. How do we fight fatigue? There’s no single answer, but consistent exercise and a sensible diet might be a good place to start. Your chiropractor can tell you more about fatigue and outline a wellness program to keep you active now and in the future.

    For more information on senior health, go to http://www.chiroweb.com/tyh/senior.html

    Ideal Wellness Chiropractic Center in Itaewon Seoul (아이디얼웰니스 카이로프랙틱 센터)


    What Can I Expect on My First Visit to a Chiropractor - Ideal Wellness Chiropractic Center in Itaewon Seoul

    What Can I Expect on My First Visit to a Chiropractor - Doctor of Chiropractic?

    The first thing a chiropractor will do is ask you about the health complaints about which you are chiefly concerned. The DC will also ask about your family history, dietary habits, other care you may have had (chiropractic, osteopathic, medical, etc.), your job, and other questions designed to help determine the nature of your illness and the best treatment.

    Medical records, such as diagnostic test results, or imaging results, such as X-rays and MRIs, will also provide important information about your condition.
    Certain things in your health history are particularly vital to a chiropractor. This information could provide important clues that will allow your chiropractor to properly diagnose your problem. Such clues include whether you have or have had:
    • Bone disorders such as osteoporosis;
    • Circulatory problems (for example, poor circulation could be a sign that you have a subluxation);
    • Dizziness or blurred vision;
    • Heart conditions such as hypertension or high blood pressure;
    • Infections, especially those affecting your spine;
    • Injuries, such as bone fractures, muscle sprains, or disc injuries;
    • Joint disorders such as arthritis; or
    • Sleep apnea.

    Be prepared to answer such questions as:

    Did the onset of your pain immediately follow an injury? Is there anything you do that improves or worsens the pain? When and how did your pain start? Where is the pain centered?

    The physical exam

    Here's what to expect:

    The first order of business is checking your vital signs, reflexes, and blood pressure. Sometimes, measurements will be taken to determine arm and leg length.

    Next, you will be asked to do a series of simple and easy activities or exercises. These exercises will provide information about your motor skills, balance and gait, among others. These tests also help determine your range of motion, muscle tone and strength, and integrity of your nervous system. Any abnormalities could provide clues about a condition. You may be asked to:
    • Bend forward, sideways, or backwards - Misaligned spinal vertebrae can sometimes be detected during this exercise. Flex and extend your leg - This is a test for signs of sprain and helps determine the integrity of your joints (also called the "Yeoman's Test").
    • Grip something such as a rubber ball - Your grip strength is vital for showing signs of muscular or nerve damage.
    • Lie down and raise one leg - This is often referred to as the "Thomas Test," in which the chiropractor gently pushes on your raised leg to check for hip joint mobility.
    • Stand and raise one leg - This test can sometimes show whether you have sciatica, a nerve disorder in your lower back. Another test may involve pushing on your raised leg to determine whether you have pain, inflammation, or imbalance in the joints between your spinal vertebrae. (This is also called the "Psoas Muscle Test.")
    • Stand or sit - Posture can sometimes show whether you have misalignments in your spine.
    • Walk a straight line - This test measures your gait, and helps to determine if you have a normal walking pattern.
    • Walk in Place - Abnormalities in the way your pelvis and spine coordinate can be seen during this test.

    Next, a short physical exam by the chiropractor will involve palpation, or use of the hands, to explore the alignment of your spine and other structures, as well as provide information on any stimuli that may cause pain. Depending on your condition, a series of diagnostic tests may follow. These tests may include MRIs, CT scans, X-rays, blood work, and other laboratory tests.

    The chiropractor may also consult with you about making important lifestyle changes, such as exercise, nutrition, and smoking cessation, to improve your chances of healing faster, or preventing further injury.


    An "adjustment," as doctors of chiropractic use the term, means the specific manipulation of vertebrae that have abnormal movement patterns or fail to function normally. Doctors of chiropractic spend years learning motion palpation (the art of examining by movement or touch) and other forms of spinal examining procedures, so that they can administer specific and appropriate spinal adjustments.

    Once the DC has identified the problem, he/she will begin care by way of these adjustments or "manipulations." Particular attention will be paid to that area of your spine where a spinal derangement or "subluxation" has been detected. The adjustment is usually given by hand or "activator" type instruments, and consists of applying pressure to the areas of the spine that are out of alignment or that do not move properly within their normal range of motion.

    Doctors of chiropractic use many sophisticated and varied techniques, and the specific procedure to be used will be determined and explained completely to you following a careful evaluation of your radiographs and physical findings.

    Under normal circumstances, adjustments don't hurt. The patient may experience a minor amount of discomfort during the adjustment, which lasts only seconds. Adjustments or manipulations are extremely safe. The risk factor is estimated to be in excess of 1 million to 1.

    Ideal Wellness Chiropractic Center in Itaewon Seoul (아이디얼웰니스 카이로프랙틱 센터)


    2017년 4월 4일 화요일

    94% of Neck Pain Patients Significantly Improved with Chiropractic - Ideal Wellness Chiropractic Center in Itaewon Seoul

    94% of Neck Pain Patients Significantly Improved with Chiropractic

    Author: Marissa Luck

    A new study showed that combining chiropractic cervical and thoracic spinal adjustments led to significant improvements in 94% of patients with neck pain.

    Chiropractors have a range of techniques at their fingertips, and research continues to investigate whether certain techniques are more effective than others for relieving neck pain.

    Often patients with neck pain exhibit dysfunction not just within the cervical spine in the neck, but in the thoracic spine in the upper back. For this reason, some chiropractors apply thoracic spinal adjustments in addition to cervical spinal adjustments when treating patients with neck pain. Additionally, chiropractors may also chose to use non-thrust adjustments to provide the same benefits of thrust adjustments but with lower force.

    Researchers from Long Island University sought to see whether the addition of thoracic thrust spinal adjustments added any noticeable treatment benefit. They studied of a group of 64 patients with neck pain who were randomly assigned to receive either one of two treatments: thoracic thrust manipulation plus non-thrust cervical manipulation (experimental group); or cervical spine non-thrust manipulation (control group). Both groups were given an at-home exercise program consisting of active range-of-motion exercises.

    After one week of treatment, the experimental group receiving the combined treatment had substantially better results in terms of neck pain and disability compared to the control group. Nearly all of the patients in the experimental (94%) had a global rating change score of +4 or higher, compared to 35% of the control group.

    The study suggests that a combination of thoracic spine thrust manipulation plus cervical spine non-thrust manipulation is superior to cervical spine non-thrust manipulation alone. The findings also add to earlier research demonstrating the benefits of spinal adjustments and exercise for relieving neck pain. In one recent study from The Annals of Internal Medicine, chiropractic plus exercise was more effective than pain medication in relieving symptoms for patients with neck pain.

    Written by: Marissa Luck on September 3, 2013.on September 4, 2013.

      Ideal Wellness Chiropractic Center in Itaewon Seoul (아이디얼웰니스 카이로프랙틱 센터)


      Back and Neck Pain Can Deprive You of Sleep - Ideal Wellness Chiropractic Center in Itaewon Seoul

      Back and Neck Pain Can Deprive You of Sleep

      Author: Kelly Johnson 

      Chronic pain in the neck and low back can cause a host of lifestyle problems and health complications.

      A retrospective study has shown that chronic back and neck pain can lead to sleep impairment as well.

      Researchers in Germany evaluated 1,016 patient records from an orthopedic department at a university hospital. All the patients had consulted orthopedic doctors with chronic neck pain or chronic low back pain. The study also analyzed factors such as gender, age, diagnosis, pain intensity, and country of origin.

      The study found that more than 42% of the patients with chronic back or neck pain had sleep deprivation, even when pain medications were being used. Almost 20% of the patients reported serious sleep impairment, defined as less than four hours sleep per night.

      The researchers found no connection between sleep disturbances and age or gender. They did find a correlation between sleep impairment and pain intensity in the neck or low back. Patients who had migrated from another country also had a higher sleep-deprivation risk than the native Germans in the study. Additionally, it was discovered that patients with failed back surgery syndrome were more likely to suffer from sleep problems.

      The authors of the study concluded that treatment for chronic neck and back pain should include sleep assessment, especially for patients with high pain intensity, failed back surgery syndrome, and a background of moving between countries.

      Sleep deprivation associated with chronic pain is just one of the many health problems that can be addressed under the expert care of a chiropractor.

      Written by: Kelly Johnson on April 11, 2013.on April 10, 2013.

      Ideal Wellness Chiropractic Center in Itaewon Seoul (아이디얼웰니스 카이로프랙틱 센터)


      2017년 4월 3일 월요일

      On the Safety of the Chiropractic Adjustment - Ideal Wellness Chiropractic Center in Itaewon Seoul

      On the Safety of the Chiropractic Adjustment

      The term chiropractic comes from the Greek word Chiropraktikos, meaning "effective treatment by hand." Effective treatment by hand is exactly what chiropractors do, delivering gentle adjustments to the spine and musculoskeletal system to maximize wellness and prevent dysfunction.

      Complications resulting from any procedure are always unfortunate, regardless of the health care professional administering care.

      While a certain degree of risk accompanies all health interventions, specific concerns have been raised over the safety of spinal manipulation.

      But have no fear: As a study in the Chiropractic Journal of Australia professes, the chiropractic adjustment is "one of the most conservative, least invasive and safest of procedures within the health care professions." The study compared complication rates, specifically cerebrovascular accidents (CVAs) and/or death attributable to spinal manipulation, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and numerous medical procedures. The author emphasizes that the potential risk of "catastrophic" side-effects from spinal manipulation is substantially lower than most common medical procedures.

      If you're interested in safe conservative care for yourself and your loved ones, schedule an appointment with a doctor of chiropractic.

      Ideal Wellness Chiropractic Center in Itaewon Seoul (아이디얼웰니스 카이로프랙틱 센터)


      Chiropractic for Migraine - Ideal Wellness Chiropractic Center in Itaewon Seoul

      Chiropractic for Migraine

      It's another sunny July afternoon and your kids are out by the pool, laughing, playing and enjoying the sunshine. (Make sure they’re wearing sunscreen!) You’d love
      to join them, but you’re trapped inside again, enduring the pain and frustration
      of another migraine headache.

      If you suffer from migraines, you’re certainly not alone. They’re relatively common, affecting an estimated 10% of the population. What can be done to get rid of migraines? According to a recent study, chiropractic care may hold the answer.

      One hundred and twenty-seven migraine patients (at least one migraine per month) were divided into two groups for comparison. Group 1 received chiropractic adjustments at specific vertebral subluxations determined by the treating practitioner; group 2 served as controls and received inactive treatment (electrical stimulation with no current delivered). Subjects receiving chiropractic adjustments reported substantial improvement in migraine frequency, duration, disability, and medication use following two months of treatment. One in five participants reported a 90% reduction in migraines, and half reported significant improvement in migraine severity.

      Are you tired of migraine headaches ruining your day? With conventional over-the-counter medications proving less than effective (and often accompanied by dangerous side effects), it’s time to fight the pain from another angle. To find out more about the potential benefits of chiropractic care, schedule an appointment with your doctor of chiropractic.

      Ideal Wellness Chiropractic Center in Itaewon Seoul (아이디얼웰니스 카이로프랙틱 센터)
