2017년 2월 27일 월요일

Dizziness subsides with chiropractic - Ideal Wellness Chiropractic Center in Itaewon Seoul

Dizziness subsides with chiropractic

Author: Marissa Luck 

A 2011 case study suggests that chiropractic adjustments may alleviate chronic dizziness associated with neck pain.1

A 29 year old man had been suffering from cervicogenic dizziness for 10 years. His dizziness developed in his 20s after a lifetime of neck and back pain as a result of an auto accident he’d been in as child. The man had tried a slew of both medical and alternative treatments but nothing seemed to work. That’s when he began receiving chiropractic adjustments as part of a case study on chiropractic treatment for dizziness. The man immediately felt less dizzy after just one adjustment, and continued to improve from there.

After just 2 months of treatment, the young man had substantially less dizziness and pain, better neck range of motion, and an improved quality of life. Since there were no serious side effects, researchers concluded that chiropractic adjustments were a safe, effective treatment for this patient’s pain.

Although this was just a case study, it verifies research from another study in which chiropractic care combined with other approaches reduced dizziness in 80% of patients.2

Written by: Marissa Luck on September 22, 2014.
Last revised by: Michael Melton

This article is from: http://www.chironexus.net/2014/09/dizziness-subsides-with-chiropractic/

Ideal Wellness Chiropractic Center in Itaewon Seoul (아이디얼웰니스 카이로프랙틱 센터)


Is weight lifting harming your spine? - Ideal Wellness Chiropractic Center in Itaewon Seoul

Author: Marissa Luck

Is weight lifting harming your spine?

Injury from weightlifting

A popular training technique, the squat lift, may be putting undue stress on your spine, according to research presented to the North American Spine Society.

Trainers and coaches have long blamed spinal fractures on incorrect lifting form. But even athletes with “textbook form” could be harming their spines.

Researchers recruited twenty male athletes in their 20s and took several x-rays of them in various positions. They noticed that the sacrum- the part of your spine connecting your hip bones- sloped to an unhealthy degree when an athlete performed a back or front squat. This unnatural slope makes athletes highly susceptible to spinal fractures or damage. The risk is especially high for teenagers or young people whose spines are still maturing.

Although they haven’t yet gone so far as to recommend that athletes stop doing the squat lift, doctors did recommend that athletes be extremely cautious when performing the activity. Despite the fact that the squat lift is effective in building muscle, it can lead to a lifetime of low-back pain and degenerative disc problems. Many chiropractors and physical therapists specialize in sports medicine and can help advise you on safe-lifting techniques.

Fauber, John. “Training Technique Stresses Athletes’ Spines.” Medpage Today. November 2, 2011. Accessed November 16, 2011

McClellan John, et al. “The effects of two different types of squat exercises on radiography of the lumbar spine”. North American Spine Society. November 2011.

Written by: Marissa Luck on November 28, 2014.
Last revised by: Michael MeltonNovember 25, 2014.

This article is from: http://www.chironexus.net/2014/11/is-weight-lifting-harming-your-spine/

Ideal Wellness Chiropractic Center in Itaewon Seoul (아이디얼웰니스 카이로프랙틱 센터)


2017년 2월 23일 목요일

If You’ve Been in a Car Crash, Here’s How Chiropractic Can Help You. - Ideal Wellness Chiropractic Center in Itaewon Seoul

8 Reasons Why Chiropractic is the Best Treatment for Auto Injuries

Author: Michael Melton

Millions of people are injured in car crashes each year in the US, and many of these “minor” collisions result in long-term symptoms and disability. In fact, research shows that a significant number of people have pain from a crash even 10-15 years later.

Chiropractic is one of the best ways to treat and heal from these types of injuries. Chiropractic works by restoring the normal function of your spine, allowing the tissues to heal and become pain-free.

If you’ve been in a car crash, here’s how chiropractic can help you:

1. Chiropractic Reduces Inflammation

During an auto collision, the ligaments and muscles that make up your spine can be stretched or experience micro-tears. X-rays or MRI scans usually aren’t sophisticated enough to diagnose these kinds of injuries, but this tissue damage causes the area to become inflamed. Many times, an auto injury patient won’t feel much discomfort immediately after the crash, but they wake up the next morning to a stiff and painful neck. This is caused by the body’s inflammation response to these micro-lesions.

A 2010 study found that chiropractic adjustments actually helps the body release anti-inflammatory Interleukin 6 (IL-6), an important substance created by your body that’s used to help heal acute injuries.

2. Chiropractic Restores Motion

Another problem with inflammation is that the tissues become immobile, which can slow healing to the area. Ligaments of the spine don’t get many nutrients or blood supply normally, and this becomes even more difficult when inflamed and injured.

During a chiropractic adjustment, the joints of your spine are mobilized, which helps increase blood flow and healing nutrients to the area.

3. Chiropractic Reduces Scar Tissue

Your body heals ligament, tendon, and muscle injuries by creating scar tissue. Scar tissue in an injured area is made up of the same kind of cells as the original tissue, but it’s laid down rapidly and randomly as a temporary “patch” on top of the damaged area.

If you get scar tissue in a large muscle, it can be uncomfortable for a while until you stretch it out, but it most likely won’t cause any long-term problems. Scar tissue in the ligaments of your neck or back, however, can be much more debilitating, since we can’t stretch it out ourselves. Your chiropractor focuses the adjustments on these specific vertebral joints that are fixated, effectively stretching them and breaking up the scar tissue in the joint.

4. Chiropractic Relieves Localized Pain

Over the last 20 years, countless studies have demonstrated that chiropractic adjustments are a safe and effective way to reduce pain. In fact, a 2013 study found that 94% of patients experienced neck pain relief with manipulation!

5. Chiropractic Reduces Pain in Your Whole Body

Many auto injury patients develop more widespread pain after a crash, especially if the original injury wasn’t treated promptly. A 2014 study reported that people who received a chiropractic adjustment had increased levels of pain-reducing hormones in their bloodstream.

6. Chiropractic Relieves Stress

A car crash is a very stressful life event, especially if you’re in pain. When your body is exposed to trauma, it goes into a flight or fight response, which can result in anxiety, depression, and stress. A 2011 study used PET scans to look at the brains of people who received chiropractic adjustments for neck pain. They found that those patients had reduced brain activity in the parts of the brain responsible for pain processing and stress reactions. They also had significantly lower levels of cortisol, indicating reduced stress. Participants also reported lower pain scores and a better quality of life after treatment. Reducing your overall level of stress is important, because, left untreated, stress can also slow recovery time and increase your risk of developing chronic pain.
7. Chiropractic Works!

Researchers have recognized that chiropractic is a great way to help people recover from auto injuries for many decades. In 1996, British researchers found that 93% of auto injury patients with neck pain experienced dramatic improvement with chiropractic care.

In 2015, an Ontario, Canada government group agreed that spinal manipulation, combined with staying active and continuing to work, are the most important factors in recovering quickly from car crash injuries.
8. Early Chiropractic Care Prevents Chronic Pain

Research from 2000 and 2003 found that auto injury patients who got early treatment focused on mobilizing the injured area recovered faster and had fewer residual symptoms from the crash. Chiropractic does this: a chiropractic adjustment gets the joints in your spine moving the way they’re supposed to, helping to prevent chronic pain.

If you’ve been injured in a car crash, you don’t have to suffer from chronic pain. Chiropractic is a great way to help your body heal from all kinds of injuries.

Written by: Michael Melton on October 26, 2015.on October 27, 2015.

This article is from: http://www.chironexus.net/2015/10/8-reasons-why-chiropractic-is-the-best-treatment-for-auto-injuries/

Ideal Wellness Chiropractic Center in Itaewon Seoul (아이디얼웰니스 카이로프랙틱 센터)


Chiropractic Effective for Tension Headache - Ideal Wellness Chiropractic Center in Itaewon Seoul

Chiropractic Effective for Tension Headache

Author: Michael Melton

With headaches being one of the most common nervous system disorders worldwide, affecting almost 50 percent of the population at least once annually, finding a way to relieve them is important to when it comes to improving quality of life for a large number of people. Certainly there are several different types of headaches–migraines, cluster headaches, and medication-overuse headaches, for instance–and each one requires a unique approach for treatment.

According to the Cleveland Clinic, tension headaches, also commonly referred to as stress headaches, are headaches which affect anywhere from 30 to 80 percent of sufferers and are signified by their mild-to-moderate in pain that spreads across the entire head in a sort of band. This makes them very different than migraines which are usually felt on one side or the other.

Because tension headaches in particular are so prevalent, researchers have conducted various studies to determine which types of remedies work by offering some relief. One such piece of research was published in the European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine in February of 2016 and it was designed to determine whether there were any head pain benefits offered by chiropractic adjustments.

Sixty-two women between the ages of 18 and 65 were recruited, all of which suffered with tension-type headaches. Upon acceptance, each was assigned to one of four groups, three of which involved a specific treatment (one was spinal manipulation) and one which served as a control.

Upon conclusion of the study, researchers discovered that, when compared to the control, the individuals who engaged in spinal manipulation “showed improvements in their physical role, bodily pain, and social functioning” at one month post-treatment. In other words, receiving chiropractic care helped improve their quality of life in many fashions beyond just the physical results one might expect. If you suffer from tension headaches, chiropractic can be a natural way to get relief.

Written by: Michael Melton on March 7, 2016.

This article is from: http://www.chironexus.net/2016/03/chiropractic-effective-tension-headache/

Ideal Wellness Chiropractic Center in Itaewon Seoul (아이디얼웰니스 카이로프랙틱 센터)


2017년 2월 22일 수요일

How Chiropractic Care Can Help Runners - Ideal Wellness Chiropractic Center in Itaewon Seoul

How Chiropractic Care Can Help Runners

Perhaps you’re a regular runner — on the treadmill or outside — and you’re in pretty good shape. It may seem odd to consider how chiropractic care can benefit an already healthy, in-shape, injury-free runner, but the good news is that it can. Gone are the days when chiropractic care was needed just for aches, injuries or pain. Many athletes are turning to chiropractic care on a regular basis to maintain optimal health and fitness.

If your body is perfectly and absolutely aligned then you might be the most unique person on the planet. Almost no one has perfect alignment. Getting aligned and staying aligned allows your body to handle the hard pounding it takes when you run. The high impact of running can lead to long-term pain and injury if you continue to run without a properly aligned core.

After years of running with poor alignment, the myriad of issues ensues: pain in your feet, shoulders, lower back or pinched nerves. Once these injuries set in, you’re looking to chiropractic care for rehabilitation instead of injury prevention. Consider that regular chiropractic visits while healthy can help you enjoy a lifetime of healthy running.

Dr. Christopher Lauer, LifeClinic chiropractor, has seen many runners come in for both injury prevention and injury care. “The first thing we do with a patient is a thorough chiropractic examination, postural evaluation and functional examination,” Dr. Lauer says. “Through these exams, we often find deficiencies or problems with biomechanics.”

Runners are particularly prone to posterior chain weakness or lower crossed syndrome, both of which require adjustments for long-term correction. “Some of the most common injuries from running I see are overuse injuries including plantar fasciitis, shin splints, ankle sprains, knee pain and hip pain,” Dr. Lauer says. “By being focused on function, and not necessarily pain, we can catch injuries before they happen and get an athlete back on track faster if they have sustained one.”

Take advantage of the preventative care chiropractics offer runners. Joints can’t flow through the full range of motion when misaligned. Since runners rely heavily on their joins, consider how preventative care could improve your current running experience.

Ways chiropractic care helps runners:

• Improved coordination

• Better reaction time

• Increased balance

• Heightened accuracy

• Amplified precision

• Stronger muscles

This article is from: https://www.lifetimefitness.com/en/content/details/articles/how_chiropractic_care_can_help_runners.html

Ideal Wellness Chiropractic Center in Itaewon Seoul (아이디얼웰니스 카이로프랙틱 센터)


Explaining the POP! Behind A Chiropractic Adjustment - Ideal Wellness Chiropractic Center in Itaewon Seoul

The Pop! Explaining the Noise Behind A Chiropractic Adjustment by Dr. Nicolas Campos

I'd like to tell you about a patient of mine named Emily (not her real name). Emily swore to her husband that she'd never have her neck adjusted – at least not willfully, anyway. That was five years ago. She stayed true to that promise until she and her husband were involved in a freeway accident which spun their car around three times before slamming it into the median (thank God for medians!). Poor Emily was both jacked up and in a position where not having her neck adjusted was just not an option.

This, of course, was a blessing in disguise. Not only did Emily have her neck adjusted several times (which allowed her body to heal), but she has been a loyal customer ever since. She even had me adjust her son when he was one week old (that's right, birthing can be tough on a baby too, you know?). While adjusting Emily last week, I asked her, “Did you ever in your wildest dreams think you'd be getting your neck adjusted five years later on your own volition?” Her answer – “Heck no!”

It's no surprise that some people are afraid to be adjusted. Whenever we encounter something new or unfamiliar it can be a little frightening, especially when that something involves trusting a total stranger with their hands around your neck. Making matters worse, when you finally give in to your ambivalence, a quick move and a loud crack can all but wipe away any feelings of calmness you might have been mustering.

If you feel this way every time you get on a chiropractor's table, don't fret. The instantaneous relief you receive from that same chiropractic adjustment more than makes up for any jitters you might have had a microsecond earlier. Emily's fears and hesitations are not uncommon – I have many people come into my office feeling the same way – but I find that the best way to ease one's fears of being adjusted requires a few things: patience, understanding, sympathy, and most importantly, a simple explanation of what's happening during an adjustment.

First, it's important for people to know exactly what we are adjusting. Chiropractors adjust subluxations. Some chiropractors explain a subluxation as a misaligned bone – and there's truth to that – but I find it more accurate and easier to grasp explaining it as a joint that has become stuck. A subluxation is a joint that has lost its full range of motion; basically, it is a stuck joint.

Stuck joints cause a number of dire consequences for the body. The first and most obvious is a lack of motion: stiffness, feeling locked up, or the inability to turn one's head or stand up straight. Some other major problems are pain, inflammation and loss of function. And then there is the neurological component. Subluxations can, and often do, irritate the nerve tissue as it exits the spine. This can lead to a disruption in the normal function of this very delicate and precise system. Left uncorrected, especially for a long period of time (months, years, decades), subluxations can cumulatively disrupt the function of the body and its various systems, leaving the body out of sync.
Chiropractic Adjustments

When a chiropractor detects a subluxation, he or she will then correct it with a chiropractic adjustment. There are many techniques a chiropractor might use to adjust a subluxation. In my office, you get it the old fashioned way – contact the spine; quick, painless thrust; loud pop; voilà: subluxation corrected.

I find that the loud pop is what really unnerves some new and unsure patients. I think that understanding what's happening physically helps ease the mind and helps make the entire process go over that much smoother. To begin with, a chiropractic adjustment is not “bones cracking”. Chiropractors do nothing with the bone except set up on it. When an adjustment is administered, it's the joint that's opening up – we call it gapping the joint . When a joint opens up, think of it like pulling apart two surfaces that have been stuck together by a sticky substance – when they release, you hear a pop.
The Pop!

The actual pop is called a cavitation, and it's the release of gas that makes the popping sound. The joints of the spine are called synovial joints (check out this simple and detailed description here) and they produce a fluid called synovial fluid. Synovial fluid lubricates the joint (for movement) and nourishes it. The byproducts formed in the production of synovial fluid are gasses – oxygen, nitrogen and CO2. When a joint is gapped, or opened up, the gas is released and you hear a distinctive popping sound. It's very similar to the release of gas bubbles when you cork a champagne bottle, and equally pleasant in its after effects.

Speaking of after effects, what happens next? Once the joint is opened up, the synovial fluids re-lubricate the joint surfaces and normal motion is restored. Anybody who has ever had a stuck joint and has been unable to move properly (probably everybody reading this article) knows exactly what follows the adjustment – relief. True, depending on the situation – how severe the subluxation is, how long it has been festering and how “hot” or acute it is – determines how complete the relief will be, but without a doubt, most people feel better almost immediately.

That's why Emily could never stay true to her promise. She just couldn't deny how great she felt following an adjustment. Sure, she came in initially to facilitate the healing of her severely battered body. However, she kept coming back because getting adjusted has allowed her to function optimally, keep up with a tireless three-year-old and feel darn good doing it. If that ain't worth a “pop” then I don't know what is.

This article is from: http://www.drnickcampos.com/health-newsletter/The%20Pop!.html

Ideal Wellness Chiropractic Center in Itaewon Seoul (아이디얼웰니스 카이로프랙틱 센터)
