The Graston Technique is an innovative, patented form of instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization that enables clinicians to effectively breakdown scar tissue and fascial restrictions. The Technique utilizes stainless steel instruments designed specifically to detect and effectively treat areas with soft tissue fibrosis or chronic inflammation.
The Graston Technique is effective because it provides controlled microtrauma to the affected soft tissue structures. The Technique stimulates a local inflammatory response, which leads to remodeling and repair of affected soft tissues. The instruments allow doctors to identify and treat specific areas.
Treatment with the Graston Technique is conducted in association with a rehabilitation program designed to restore patients to their pre-injury level of activity. This is accomplished by implementing a functional progression program, which focuses on imbalances throughout the kinetic chain. Flexibility, strengthening, and muscle re-education are employed to provide optimal results within a minimal number of treatment sessions.
- Faster rehabilitation recovery
- Resolves chronic conditions thought to be permanent
- Reduces the need for anti-inflammatory medication
- Reduces overall treatment time
- Continue to engage in everyday activities
Ideal Wellness Chiropractic Center in Itaewon Seoul
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