2016년 5월 6일 금요일

Musculoskeletal Shoulder Rehabilitation & Maintenance with Ideal Wellness Chiropractic Center

Patient came from Mongolia in search of rehabilitation and treatment plan for her musculoskeletal shoulder problem.
After 2 weeks, the patient had significant flexibility and movement from her initial consultation. 
On her last visit, she was able to circumduct her shoulder and gain 80% of her mobility back.

Ideal Wellness Chiropractic Center in Seoul (아이디얼웰니스 카이로프랙틱 센터)


15 zero g

14 에어펌프

13 다이나믹 3D시스템

12 부모님

11 운동매니아

10 주부

9 직장인

8 학생

7 허벅지 종아리

6 팔

5 어깨

4 목